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EDU 3150 CBE: Instructional Planning: Fieldwork Parts 1 - 3


The field experience requirement for this course is 10 hours.

What is field experience? Field experience is your opportunity to observe and assist with prescribed activities in an educational setting. For this course, you can perform your fieldwork in any elementary classroom environment. Contact your faculty member for permission to observe a different grade level. Reach out to your faculty member if you have questions.


Who handles my field experience placement? The school placements for CBE sections are self-selected, and you will need to provide Proof of Placement via an email or other documentation from school personnel. If you are local, you may choose to apply to volunteer using the district's website.


How do I record my experience? Field experience is two parts. First, your field experience is logged via a signed log of hours and then submitted through Blackboard at the end of each course.  Second, is through a reflection blog that you will develop and answer open ended question that promote a higher level of thinking.


Where do I write my blog? Create your blog using a blogging software you choose. Below are suggestions for free online blogging tools. Your blog must be viewable by your instructor in order to receive credit for the assignments.


  1. Choose a platform you want to host your blog throughout the program. Blogging website suggestions are below.
  2. Ensure your blog is public or can be shared with your instructors.


Check Blackboard for additional details on the field experience requirement for this course. 

Field Experience Blog Part 1

Before you write your blog post complete your observation:

  • Complete your edTPA Context for Learning.
  • Observe teachers in your building who you see as “effective.” Think about what makes them effective – classroom, playground, hallways, buses … Other?
  • Ask teachers who they see as effective, and why.
  • Collect copies of classroom management plans from teachers in your school.

Write your blog post:

  • Provide a review of effective teaching with respect to both instruction and management.
  • Compare teachers’ responses to what you learned from the instructional materials provided. How do they align? How are they different?
  • Discuss what you believe to be effective behaviors in your school, in various contexts and settings.

Field Experience Blog Part 2

Before you write your blog post complete your observation:

  • For this observation, you are asked to observe a classroom and document the classroom management processes and procedures.
  • Make note of the following and ask questions to your lead teacher if needed. Observe the following and include the findings in your blog post:
  1. Classroom management
    1. routines
    2. attendance
    3. punctuality
    4. use of material/equipment
  2. Rules for movement of students
    1. entering and leaving the room
    2. bathroom use
    3. readiness for class
  3. Rules for homework and classroom
    1. homework completion/turning in/accuracy
    2. classwork completion/turning in/accuracy
    3. materials specified
  4. Rules for student-student interactions
    1. degree of respect and politeness
    2. collaboration allowed or disallowed
    3. property rights and respect
    4. disputes
    5. socializing – listening and taking turns
  5. Rules for teacher-student interaction
    1. degree of respect or politeness
    2. help-seeking signals

Write your blog post:
Reflect on your findings from your observations.

  1. What did you find interesting about the classroom management techniques you witnessed?
  2. What would you do and not do in your own classroom?
  3. What did you find surprising and least surprising?

Field Experience Blog Part 3

Before you write your blog post complete your observation:

  • Teach or coteach at least two lessons in a K-6 classroom. These can be lessons you created or ones you were given to teach. They can be brief (15-20 minutes) or longer, depending on the grade level and subject.
  • Before teaching, think about how you might need to adjust your instructional strategies to meet the needs of the students in your class. Refer to your edTPA Context for Learning as a reminder of the different needs you will need to address.
  • When you are done, reflect on your teaching by addressing the following questions:
  1. Were your management strategies effective during the lesson? If not, what could you do to improve?
  2. As you taught the lesson, what evidence do you have that all learners were involved in the lesson?
  3. What strategies did you use to support diverse learner needs?

After you perform your fieldwork and complete your interview, write your blog:

  • Attach a copy of the lesson plan(s).
  • Provide your reflection.
  • Attach a copy of your signed Field Experience Log (20 hours).