NCCU SirsiDynix Online Catalog
Use the NCCU online catalog to locate books on your subject using a keyword search, title search, or author search. Consult the Library of Congress Subject Headings (located at the Reference Desk) to find exact terms for a subject search.
Keyword search: modern foreign language = 13 records
Title search: = 7 records
Subject above, you will probably retrieve more records by doing a keyword search. Using a keyword search does not require an exact title or subject while locating a book. A subject search will yield a closer match to your subject after the subject heading has been determined.
The James E. Shepard Memorial Library has a large collection of books serving courses offered by the NCCU Modern Foreign Language Department.
NCCU Catalog Quick Search for: | In: | |
You can search for books or other holdings of the Shepard Library by using the Quick Search box above or the Online Catalog Search in the top right corner of the LibGuide where is says Search.
James E. Shepard Memorial Library arrange materials on the shelves using the Library of Congress Classification System. This system groups together materials on similar subjects in the same call number range. This system is used in the book stacks and in the reference collection. Knowing the call number range for a particular subject will allow you to browse the shelves for materials.
Below are some call number ranges of interest for theatre research.
The following books are a select list of titles on Theatre that can be found in the General Circulating collection.