In order to complete the Teacher Education Program and apply for licensure, you must meet the following conditions:
- Maintain a GPA of 2.7 or better throughout the program, including upon graduation
- Successfully complete all required professional studies and methods courses with grades of C or better
- Successfully complete all required courses for the academic concentration with grades of C or better (first degree students only)
- Participate in a Level One Student Teaching Experience in the semester before the official student teaching begins.
- Successfully complete all coursework (aside from the 2 student teaching courses) prior to beginning the student teaching block. No other courses may be taken during student teaching!
- Pass the required licensure exams prior to student teaching:
- Pearson Foundations of Reading Development with a score of 229 or higher
- Praxis Test 7813- CKT Math Subtest with a score of 150 or higher
- Successfully complete the required student teaching internship block with grades of C or better in both courses
- Successfully submit all three tasks of the edTPA portfolio during student teaching in order to complete the course.
- Pass the edTPA portfolio during student teaching with the minimum score for NC (38+) to be considered for licensure.
- Achieve ratings of "Met" on all standards of the Certificate of Teaching Capacity (CTC)
- Submit and receive ratings of Proficient or better on all required Electronic Evidences (EEs) in the electronic portfolio system
- Submit any documents as required by the School of Education and the University