We encourage you to explore the licensure procedure whenever you are ready; however, you will be guided through the process for applying for licensure in your final student teaching semester. If it seems confusing in the beginning, just know that you will be supported through the entire process.
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NCDPI Licensure Procedures for Student Teachers
For the NCCU Licensure Officer to verify a completer for NCDPI Licensure:
Note : Upload all materials at the same time once you receive your degree-dated/final transcripts. Upload transcripts and other information as a PDF.
- Create an account and log-in to https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov/
- Enter background information—full name, address, social security number, date of birth, telephone number, sex, race, and questions related to convictions or revoked certificates/licenses.
- Upload official, degree-dated transcripts** from all colleges/universities attended (except those that NCDPI already has from previous licenses, if applicable). If licensure-only, request final transcripts with final grades posted. (It takes a couple of weeks for your degree to be conferred after graduation.)
- Upload passing Praxis II and/or Pearson and/or edTPA tests scores, as required by NCDPI for the program.
- If applicable, upload all forms pertaining to relevant teaching experiences (Form E) for Teacher Assistant, etc. and relevant non-teaching experiences (Form NE). These forms can be found online through NCDPI. (I have attached them to this email)
- Pay online with a credit/debit card. Cost $70.00.
- Once you have been recommended for licensure you can call (919) 807-3310 to check on the status of your NCDPI application.
**Items stay uploaded for at least 30-60 days. After 30-60 days you may have to upload documents again.
Taskstream Requirements (for Program Coordinators to verify before signing your SOE DV form ):
- Upload a copy of your official, degree-dated transcripts, test scores, and CTC (if required *initial licensure candidates*, not required for counseling students) into Taskstream.
- Make sure that you have completed your Taskstream Electronic Evidence requirements:
- EE 1: Copy of transcripts
- EE 2: Copy of Passing Pearson/Praxis II scores (Early Childhood is required to have proficient Multi-Modal project)
- EE 3 and EE 5: Copy of passing edTPA scores.
- EE 4: Copy of CTC form, signed-off and every category marked as “Met”
- EE6: Proficient Service Learning/Leadership and Collaboration project.
- Upload the SOE Data and Verification form. Your program coordinator will sign off on your form once they have verified all Electronic Evidences have been uploaded into Taskstream.
These documents provide us important information for accreditation and help to expedite your recommendation for licensure.
If you have questions, please contact the NCCU SOE Licensure Officer, Dr. April Henderson, at april.henderson@nccu.edu, or 919-530-6416.