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Computer Utilizations in Instructional Technology: Fieldwork Parts 1 - 3

This course is offered through a competency-based education design. This LibGuide is designed to organize all open educational resources.

Fieldwork: Getting Started

The field experience requirement for this course is 10 hours.

What is field experience? Field experience is your opportunity to observe and assist with prescribed activities in an educational setting. For this course you can choose the grade level you perform your fieldwork in. Reach out to your faculty member if you have questions.


Who handles my field experience placement? The school placements for CBE sections are self-selected, and you will need to provide Proof of Placement via an email or other documentation from school personnel. If you are local, you may choose to apply to volunteer using the district's website.


How do I record my experience? Field experience is two parts. First, your field experience is logged via a signed log of hours and then submitted through Blackboard at the end of each course.  Second, is through a reflection blog that you will develop and answer open ended question that promote a higher level of thinking.


Where do I write my blog? Create your blog using a blogging software you choose. Below are suggestions for free online blogging tools. Your blog must be viewable by your instructor in order to receive credit for the assignments.


Step 1: Choose a platform you want to host your blog throughout the program. Blogging website suggestions are below.


Step 2: Ensure your blog is public or can be shared with your instructors.


Check Blackboard for additional details on the field experience requirement for this course. 

Field Experience Blog Part 1

Field Experience Blog Part 1

Before you write your first blog post, you will need to develop a set of interview questions. You will need to interview 2 teachers (one in K-2, one in 3-5), and either the technology teacher or the media specialist in your school. Two topics that should be included are BYOD and the use of cell phones. The links for 3 resources are listed separately.


  1. Review your district and schools BYOD policy.
  2. Interview a technology officer or librarian. What do they think?
  3. Are students allowed or not allowed to use technology in the classroom?

 As you develop your questions, consider the following:

  • Review your district and school’s BYOD policy.
  • What are the policies concerning BYOD and are they enforced?
  • What are the policies concerning cell phones and are they enforced?


After you complete your interviews, write your blog post:

  • Summarize the interviews from your teachers and technology specialist or media specialist.
  • What were points of agreement and disagreement?
  • What are your personal thoughts on BYOD at the elementary level?
  • What are your thoughts on the use of cell phones in classrooms at the elementary level?

Field Experience Blog Part 2

Field Experience Blog Part 2

Before you write your blog post, you will observe technology use in the classroom.

Before observing in a classroom, complete the edTPA Context for Learning. Schedule a time where the teacher will be using technology to conduct your observations.


After you complete your observation, write your blog post:

  • What types of technology were available in the classroom?
  • In what types of activities were the students engaged?
  • Were the activities teacher-led or student led?
  • What other technologies could be used to enhance the lesson objectives?
  • What other thoughts do you have about technology integration in the classroom?


Field Experience Blog Part 3

Field Experience Blog Part 3

Before you write your blog post, you will assist a teacher using technology in the classroom.

Schedule a time with a teacher where she/he will be using technology as part of the instructional process. Review the plan with the teacher and schedule your time so that you can help with the lesson.


After you complete your field experience with technology, write your blog post:

  • What were the lesson objectives?
  • What technologies were used during the lesson?
  • Were activities teacher-led or student-led?
  • In your opinion, were the lesson objectives met?
  • After this technology field experience, has any of your thoughts involving technology integration changed? If so, in what way?
  • What final thoughts do you have?

Be sure to submit your field log of hours with your blogs.

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