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EDU 3540 CBE Integrated Science, Math, and Technology: Project 2

CBE EDU 3540

Project 2 Competency and Sub-Competencies

Project Competency: Can apply the practices, processes, tools, and skills necessary for developmentally appropriate instruction in the biological, physical, and earth sciences, and the relationships between these sciences, at the K-6 level.


·      Demonstrate a knowledge and use of process skills and manipulative skills as they relate to science.

·      Demonstrate knowledge of and the relationship among the biological, physical, and earth sciences and the proven practices in science education that are developmentally appropriate for elementary school children.

·      Demonstrate a knowledge of and skill in the use of scientific instruments and the ability to use simple science equipment.

·      Demonstrate proficiency in using the International System of Units (SI).


1.     Infographic displaying relationship among biological, physical, and earth sciences

2.     Three science experiments and/or activities that support developmentally appropriate instruction in biology, physical, and earth science (one each) and pictures of completed experiments/activities

3.     One video explanation of how you would go about conducting one of the experiments in the classroom



Student Learning Resources

The following resources are Open Educational Resources that are project specific and provide the necessary knowledge base to develop your project and demonstrate your skills. Cite all sources used in APA format. 

Student Learning Resources

Skill Building Resources