Clarify your topic and prepare to search
Decide what it is that you're trying to find. What are the key concepts? Think of a few words that briefly represent the most essential elements of your topic-these will be your search terms. Brainstorm a few possible synonyms for your main concepts, especially if your topic is very specific.
Execute your search
NCCU has access to many databases covering a wide range of subjects. For your convenience, just a few of the databases most useful to business students have been highlighted in the box below. One very important technique is to decide how you will combine your search terms. If you search for multiple search terms combined with AND, you will find only articles that include ALL of your search terms, which results in fewer results. If you combine search terms with OR, you will find all articled that include ANY of your search terms, which result in more (sometimes many more) results. Most databases also have ways to refine a search, or to combine the results of more than one search.
Be patient
Effective searching is both a skill and an art. If you are not happy with what you find immediately, think about ways to improve your search. If you find an overwhelming number of results, you may want to use more specific search terms. If you feel like you're not finding enough articles, you may need to be more general or think of additional synonyms. Remember that while each database operates on the same basic principles, there are myriad differences in interface look-and-feel, sources covered, and the vocabulary used to assign "subjects" to an article, Do not be surprised if you have to go through a little trial and error.
Access full text
Many articles will have full text available, and you will probably find it very easy to read, print or download the articles you want. Do not be discouraged, however if you find an article that seems helpful, but don't see the full text of it in the database you're using! Check out Journal Finder where you can look up the journal and see if NCCU has it in another database or in print.
Keep track of your citations.
As an NCCU student you can use Endnote citation management software programs for FREE. You are not required to use this software, but it can make it easier to keep track of your research and to create properly formatted bibliographies/reference pages for your papers. It also integrates with Microsoft Word and can make it easier to correctly insert citations within the body of your paper.
Ask for help!
I am very happy to make appointments to consult with you on your research project at any point in the research process. I can help with planning a search strategy and deciding where to get started, as well as with evaluating sources you've found. It's important for you to hone your own research skills through practice, but you do not need to spin your wheels unproductively in frustration before you ask for help. You are welcome to email me with question or visit my office in Shepard Library Room 229.