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EDU 3030 CBE: Diversity, Pedagogy, and Social Change: Project 2

Project 1 Competency and Sub-Competencies

Competency: Can create learning materials that are tailored to address the needs of a diverse population of students in an authentic elementary learning environment.



1.     Can analyze the achievement gap between white students and students of color.

2.     Can explain the historical and current circumstances facing the major cultural/ethnic-racial groups in US society and the implications of these circumstances for the academic success of a diverse student population.

3.     Can identify factors that impact how cultural diversity is addressed in schools including interactions between teachers and educators of diverse backgrounds, the commitment of school leaders, and parent/community/school relations.

4.      Can relate current research on culture and learning to the 1) design and delivery of instruction to diverse learners, 2) identification of culturally responsive solutions and 3) the eradication of contradictions that shape the educational process today.



Deliverable: In this project you determine subgroups of the student population and develop a handout of instructional strategies to address the needs of these subgroups.

Student Learning Open Education Resources

The following resources are Open Educational Resources that are project specific and provide the necessary knowledge base to develop your project and demonstrate your skills. Cite all sources used in APA format. 

Student Learning Resources

Project Connection

Skill Building Resources

Skill building resources are supplementary resources to aid in the development of your project or fine-tune other skills.