The Internet provides an inexhaustible amount of legal ethics materials of both primary and secondary authority. An increasing number of government bodies, agencies, and special interest groups disseminate ethics materials via the Web. The following sites were found to be especially useful when performing legal ethics research on the Internet.
ABA Center for Professional Responsibility Provides access to ABA publications, reports, opinions and headnotes. Also offers the ABA's online research service ETHICSearch, which analyses ethical dilemmas and assist inquirers identify appropriate standards and interpretive materials to resolve those dilemmas.
AMA Principles of Medical Ethics
American Legal Ethics Library, Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute
Cornell's digital library contains ethics commentary and offers both the codes and rules for the professional conduct of lawyers organized by state.
Declaration of Professional Responsibility. Medicine's Social Contract with Humanity, an AMA draft.
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct 2002 (from the American Psychological Association)
Federation Repository of Ethics Documents Online, also from the AMA.
Findlaw Use Findlaw as a gateway to State Bar Associations and their ethics rules and opinions. This site also links to various articles, commentary, briefs and other documents on legal ethics.
Hieros Gamos Heiros Gamos acts as a comprehensive gateway offering links to an extensive number of articles, ethics commentary (some in audio), associations, rules, codes, and opinions. Also helpful are links to various discussion groups on legal ethics.
International Symposium for Military Ethics Offers links to articles, rules and information relating to Internet ethics issues. Includes links to other ethics resources available on the Internet.
Oath of Hippocrates, from Antiquity (Internet Classics Archive)
The Virtual Chase The site Virtual Chase provides a basic overview of legal ethics and offers links to other Internet sites accessing legal ethics research.