The Government Documents Guide to Information Resources provides an overview of print and digital resources ie. databases, journals, books, etc. that support the research and instruction areas of the government.
"This library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government Documents. Online search of the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law (Title 44 United States Code)."
The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) was established by Federal law (Title 44, U. S. Code, Section 19). The James E. Shepard Memorial Library is a selective Federal Depository Library providing online search of Federal government information in a variety of formats. The librarian offers assistance.
The Catalog of Government Publications allows anyone to search for thousands of Federal Government documents that are available online or in Federal Depository Libraries around the country. The MetaLibâ federated search tool allows multi-database searching.
Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Printing Office: 150 Years of Service to the Nation tells the story of GPO’s history through text and photographs, many never published before. Its authoritative text and unique images depict the enormous contribution of its employees, past and present, to the well-being of the American people and nation.
The Power of MetaLib!
What is MetaLib?
MetaLib is a powerful new federated search tool. Use it to search across 53 Federal Government databases with a single search! Find reports, articles citations, and much more.
The official kids portal for the U.S. Government
Find resources about how our government works and primary source materials
A Nemours Foundation site that provides doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence
Our Courts: 21st Century Civics
Civics games, lesson plans, comprehensive resource link, civics-in-action projects, and more for teachers and students
Find zip codes, calculate postage, change addresses, find post offices, track/confirm shipments, buy stamps, and more
Social Security Administration
Apply for benefits, estimate your benefits, search the Popular Baby Names database, find the form to apply for a social security number or replace a lost card, and more
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
How to get a patent, register a trademark, find a patent or trademark, and more
Find copyright forms, information about copyright laws, and works registered since January 1, 1978
Find declassified information, The World Factbook, information on world leaders, and information for students and parents including internet safety
Find information about visas to foreign citizens, passports for U.S. citizens, request speakers, find consular offices, learn about countries and the Secretary of State and her activities