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Modern Foreign Languages



This guide lists basic English language reference sources for Modern Foreign Languages in both print and electronic formats available in North Carolina Central University libraries.  The titles and links that are listed in this guide do not represent all of the resources available to users in the James E. Shepard Memorial Library.  Most electronic resources are accessible both in the library and from outside the library via the Library’s homepage (  Books or journal articles not available in the library may be obtained through Interlibrary Loan.  Please do not hesitate to ask a Reference Librarian for help with your library research.


  • Search Strategy
  • Books
  • Dictionaries
  • Journals and Magazines
  • E-Journals
  • Electronic Modern Foreign Language Databases
  • Citing the Information


The Department of Language and Literature not only prepares students who are interested in being certified as foreign language teachers, but also those who are planning any professional career in which knowledge of foreign languages and cultures is essential or desirable or who intend to pursue graduate work in the fields of foreign literature and linguistics.

Curriculum Materials Center Librarian

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Karen Grimwood

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