Citation Tools can be found online at the James E. Shepard Library website, please click here for citation tools.
The guide below will help you get started using EndNote Web.
What is EndNote Web? (click on the hyperlink).
The James E. Shepard Memorial Library makes EndNote accessible to you. You can access EndNote web or download EndNote X20. To download EndNote X20 first Login to myEOL to download the EndNote X20 for PC or for Mac from the Software Repository.
EndNote allows you to:
Search hundreds of online resources for references and PDFs.
Find full text in one click.
Import records from PubMed with the new direct export format.
Share groups and references.
Hand-off Word files with full reference files.
Format references for any project with Cite While You Write®.
Search and annotate PDFs.
Create uniform citations and footnotes with new formatting tools.
The James E. Shepard Memorial Library makes RefWorks accessible to you. You can access RefWorks online by clicking here. RefWorks a web-based tool that helps researchers manage references, create bibliographies, and generate citations.