Shepard Library offers many resources for research. Use the tabs below for information on locating books, journals, databases and other items relevant to your studies. Shepard Library is your portal to information resources and research assistance!
The databases below are all relevant to education research. They have been placed in order so that the databases at the top are most likely to be most useful. The databases at the top are also most likely to contain scholarly/peer-reviewed articles.
Education Source is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals and policy makers. The collection provides indexing and abstracts for 3,000 academic periodicals and includes full text for more than 1,800 journals, 550 books and monographs, education-related conference papers, citations for over 4 million articles including book reviews and over hundred thousand controlled and cross-referenced names of educational tests. Coverage in Education Source spans every level of education from early education to higher education and also includes educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing.
An educational resource from the North Carolina Museum of Art. Explore works of art that are teachable across disciplines and grade levels. Includes lesson plans, concept maps and portfolios.
It is the independent, nonprofit publisher of Education Week and other high-quality print and online products on K-12 education. EPE's mission is to raise awareness and understanding of critical issues facing American schools. Education Week is a reputable resource preparing our future teachers and administrators. Providing critical news and analytics, case study, research and market intelligence in K-12 education.
Educational Administration Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, educational research, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 190,000 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline.
Open Education North Carolina Collection contains open textbooks that have been curated for the most frequently taught courses across North Carolina's 2 and 4-year colleges and universities. Faculty can adopt these OER to save their students money and lower the overall cost of higher education.
This index of over 260 titles from the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books, provides coverage on key education topics such as Assessment, Continuing Education, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, Science and Mathematics, more for K-12 Teachers and Librarians.
The Chronicle of Higher Education provides news information and jobs for college and university faculty and student affairs professionals. It is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe. The Chronicle's Web site features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; articles published since September 1989; vibrant forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, salary databases, and more.
It provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.