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Human Sciences

Available Databases

Access via NCCU only Healthfinder

Coverage: Journals, magazines, and medical dictionaries on minority health, as well as prevention and self-care on a variety of topics such as pregnancy, HIV, diabetes, women's health, and more.

Access via NCCU only HealthFinder en espanol

Coverage: Noticias y herramientas interactivas para mantenerse saludable con información de organizaciones gubernamentales.


NCCU Seal Health Source: Consumer Edition via EBSCOhost

Coverage: Provides consumer oriented information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health. Includes searchable full text for over 150 consumer health journals, abstracts and indexing for nearly 175 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications.


Access via NCCU only JSTOR
Coverage: Archive of over hundred full text scholarly journals in the arts and sciences. Does not include issues from recent volumes usually the last 2-5 years.




Helpful Databases