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EDU 3230 CBE: Teaching Social Studies: Project 1

LibGuide for Elementary CBE pilot program for EDU 3230.

Project 1 Competency and Sub-Competencies

Project Competency: Can explain the relationship between major social studies concepts and the essential standards which make up the elementary social studies curriculum.


  • Students demonstrate knowledge and use of the social science concepts, facts, generalizations and skills which provide the content basis for elementary social studies.
  • Students will demonstrate mastery of the content, skills, and competencies required by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), in the areas of elementary social studies.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of and use of the North Carolina Essential Standards for elementary social studies.


  1. Visual representation of the relationship between the 10 themes of social studies and the 5 organizational strands in the NC Essential standards
  2. Podcast describing the relationship in more detail
  3. Bookmarking tool providing lessons and other resources aligned with the standards
  4. Annotated bibliography of resources. 


Student Learning Resources

The following resources are Open Educational Resources that are project specific and provide the necessary knowledge base to develop your project and demonstrate your skills. Cite all sources used in APA format. 

Student Learning Resources

Skill Building Resources

Project Connection