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EDU 3230 CBE: Teaching Social Studies: Project 3

LibGuide for Elementary CBE pilot program for EDU 3230.

Project 3 Competency and Sub-Competencies

Project Competency: Can implement social studies activities that promote sensitivity to diverse populations and the development of higher order thinking skills.


  • Students will design and implement classroom activities that demonstrate sensitivity to and an understanding of diverse cultural groups, learning styles, and performance levels.
  • Students will design and implement developmentally appropriate activities that will enhance the attitudes, values, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective citizenry in a culturally diverse society.
  • Students will model effective instructional strategies for elementary social studies.


  1. 2-3 additional “pages” in your social bookmarking tool that supports social studies and reflects 21st century classroom standards
  2. WebQuest that is aligned with the social studies standards 
  3. Description and rationale for the webquest that includes ways that diversity will be supportive during the activity.
  4. A developmentally appropriate unit plan that will enhance the attitudes, values, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective citizenry in a culturally diverse society.


Student Learning Resources

The following resources are Open Educational Resources that are project specific and provide the necessary knowledge base to develop your project and demonstrate your skills. Cite all sources used in APA format. 

Student Learning Resources

Skill Building Resources

Project Connection