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EDU 3310 CBE: Foundations of Literacy Assessment and Instruction: Project 3

Project 3 Competency and Sub-Competencies

Competency 3: Analyze and evaluate results from literacy assessments implemented at the elementary level to make recommendations for student growth.


  • Candidates will analyze students’ affective, local, global, and writing performance at the proficient level.
  • Candidates will synthesize the text, internet, and class experiences to develop appropriate recommendations for students’ growth in affective, local, global, and writing performance at the proficient level.
  • Candidates will apply oral and written communication skills as a means of enhancing their personal and professional growth.

Project Deliverables
Develop a PowerPoint presentation that introduces your student and displays his/her literacy assessment data. Analyze the data from each of the assessments administered, and from each major assessment area in general. After each analysis, provide at least two clear recommendations to help the student progress in literacy, along with a research-based rationale for each recommendation.

Student Learning Resources

The following resources are Open Educational Resources that are project specific and provide the necessary knowledge base to develop your project and demonstrate your skills. Cite all sources used in APA format. 

Templates, Worksheets, and Practice Tasks

ADD TO THE 3-2-1 JOURNAL YOU BEGAN IN PROJECT 2. You will complete columns 2 (2 Suggestions) and 1 (1 Remaining Question) for Project 3.

Skill Building Resources

Project Connection