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EndNote WEB

Cite While You Write

Use the EndNote Web Cite While You Write Plug-in to insert references, and format citations and bibliographies automatically while you write your papers in Word. To download plug-ins, log into the EndNote Web site in a Web browser, click the Download Installers link at the bottom of any page.

Inserting cited references in your Word document

  1. With your Word document open, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  2. Select EndNote Web at the top of the screen (in some word processors it will appear under the Tools menu).
  3. Click Find Citations
    This tool searches your entire library (i.e., all reference fields for all references in all groups)
  4. Enter a search term in the Find Citations box to find the reference or references to insert.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Select the desired reference. To insert multiple references in one citation, click each reference while holding the Ctrl key.
  7. Click Insert.

The citation appears at the cursor location, formatted according to the bibliographic style specified. The reference information is also automatically added to the bibliography at the end of your manuscript.