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EDU 3210 CBE: Curriculum I: Art, Music, Drama: Fieldwork Parts 1 - 3


The field experience requirement for this course is 10 hours.

What is field experience? Field experience is your opportunity to observe and assist with prescribed activities in an educational setting. For this course, you can perform your fieldwork in any elementary classroom environment. Contact your faculty member for permission to observe a different grade level. Reach out to your faculty member if you have questions.


Who handles my field experience placement? The school placements for CBE sections are self-selected, and you will need to provide Proof of Placement via an email or other documentation from school personnel. If you are local, you may choose to apply to volunteer using the district's website.


How do I record my experience? Field experience is two parts. First, your field experience is logged via a signed log of hours and then submitted through Blackboard at the end of each course.  Second, is through a reflection blog that you will develop and answer open ended question that promote a higher level of thinking.


Where do I write my blog? Create your blog using a blogging software you choose. Below are suggestions for free online blogging tools. Your blog must be viewable by your instructor in order to receive credit for the assignments.


  1. Choose a platform you want to host your blog throughout the program. Blogging website suggestions are below.
  2. Ensure your blog is public or can be shared with your instructors.


Check Blackboard for additional details on the field experience requirement for this course. 

Field Experience Blog Part 1

Resource for this fieldwork blog:

Here is a link to the article How the Arts Unlock the Door to Learning:

Before you write your blog post:

Discuss with arts educators and other school personnel to learn what part, if any, the arts are currently playing in attaining educational objectives of the state curriculum.


Write your blog post:

  • What are your personal feelings towards the arts?
  • What is the perspective of arts teachers on the role the arts have in reaching educational objectives of the state curriculum? What is the perspective of core curricular area teachers?
  • Do you think the arts play a role in reaching educational objectives?

Field Experience Blog Part 2

Before you write your blog post, complete your fieldwork and do the following:

Watch the video Arts Integration Deepening Understanding of Core Content published by Edutopia. 

After viewing the video clip, think about how integrating the arts into the core curricular areas has an impact on students' academic performance.

Now observe in an elementary classroom in your school and look for arts integration. 

Write your blog by responding to the following. Be specific.

  • Did you see arts integration occurring in the classroom? Describe the arts integration techniques used. 
  • If you didn't see arts integration occurring, describe ways the arts integration might have been used to improve and/or enhance the lesson.
  • Based on what you heard in the video clip, what impact on students' achievement is likely to occur if arts integration is included in the classroom you observed?

Field Experience Blog Part 3

Before you write your blog post, complete your fieldwork and do the following:

  • Read the article Creativity and Academics: The Power of an Arts Education

Creativity and Academics_ The Power of an Arts Education _ Edutopia.pdf Click for more options 

  • Now observe in at least two of the following elementary arts classes (Visual Art, Music, Dance, Drama) and look for integration of the core curriculum (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies).
  • Following the observations, ask the arts teachers what they feel are the benefits of an arts education.

Write your blog by responding to the following. Be specific.

  • Did you see any integration of the core curriculum into the arts classroom? Describe the integration techniques used.
  • If you didn't see any integration occurring, describe ways the core curriculum might have been used to improve and/or enhance the lesson.
  • What benefits of an arts education did the arts teachers share? Were the benefits the same or different from the benefits mentioned in the article you read?

Be sure to submit your Field Experience Log for EDU 3210 (10 hours).